Monday, May 14, 2007

This is the first view we saw of OUR Barn. I had lots more pictures taken when we first saw our property. But in February 2006 we had a burglary from our apartment in London and our computer was stolen and all the pictures on it were lost. We have been able to re-download most of our pictures to our new computer, but not all of them. We may be able to download more eventually when all our belongings are retrieved from the storage in due course.
For the time being I will be downloading (or is that up-loading!!) to this Blog from the pictures we have at the moment. I wanted to start this diary while I have time. By the time we get to Naillat on a permanent basis we will probably be much too busy house building, garden planning, and generally settling into our new life to have much time to keep this up to date as I would like to. So this will be a start . . . .

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