Well, finally the day dawned!!!
We were up at six in the morning and on the road by half past!! Big effort for a pair of retired old foggies!! And an hour later we were at the monthly Farmers' Market of Les Horrelles.
Another half an hour later and we had found what we were looking for and had purchased nine 'point of lay' chickens to move into the accommodation we have been building for them over the past month. We bought three standard brown hens, three black ones with ginger 'highlights' and three white ones with grey tips to their feathers. They were very unceremoniously packed into three cardboard boxes. We handed over our money and they were ours!!
we want to know what the deal is with the Donkey...how much, how old, name etc.
Chickens are fair enough, but you cant beet a good donkey for some lively banter and some abstract company.
I did not realize until last night buy my wife, whom has not met you, has been following the adventures of Gavin and Laurie as they build their future. She is very impressed with the whole adventure.
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