Monday, October 27, 2008

Now probably about six weeks since I added pictures and notes to this Blog. And for those of you who follow it carefully, I am really sorry for that. Have no idea how the time manages to fly passed so quickly, but there it is.
It is raining today and so am going to make a concerted effort to get you all caught up with what we have been doing.
First of all we made a trip to UK in September. A friend of ours from our time in India was bringing his young lady home to Oxford from Kazakstan to get married. We were proud to be included in this very special occasion for Andrew and Sholpan and we wish them all the very best for their future together.
We also recieved some photographs this morning of another wedding which took place this onth in Thailand of two more friends of ours. Alan and Gavin spent a number of years working togehter in Japan and Alan was very generous in allowing us to stay with him in Tokyo last year while we had a fabulous holiday in Japan. He and Yuri (his lovely Japanese bride) came to France to visit with us earlier in the year.
And then during the second week in October we had Kathryn and Gavin, Delcan and Cameron here again for a holiday during Declan's first half term from school break. We were so thrilled that the weather was so good for this trip and we were able to be out and about while they were here.

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